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Newsletter #1124
Lee Euler and Susan Clark, Editors
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One of Nature’s Most Powerful
Cancer-fighting Antioxidants

I’ve written before about anthocyanins, the antioxidants responsible for the dark pigmentation in berries and blue-black fruits like grapes and plums, but anthocyanins actually break down into subcategories, one of which is cyanidins.

Cyanidins are important because they happen to be the most “pharmaceutically effective” anthocyanin subcomponent available, especially when it comes to fighting cancer.1

Allow me to explain…

Continued below. . .

A message from our sponsor: Dermal Medix

Doctor's New Discovery
Makes Loose Skin Vanish

Have you ever heard the term “turkey neck”?

It’s an unflattering term for the loose skin that forms underneath the chin with age.

And according to skin experts, it can add years — and even the illusion of excess pounds — onto a person’s appearance (even if they otherwise look youthful and slim).

But what if you could reduce that flabby extra skin, quickly and easily, by making one small change to your daily routine? (And no, we’re not talking about surgery or injections.)

For months, rumors have been circulating about a mysterious do-it-yourself method that helps tighten the appearance of sagging skin, on the neck, face, and anywhere else it forms.

But exciting as this sounded, it was impossible to confirm, because — while numerous people claimed to know how it was done — no one seemed willing to share the details.

That is, until last week, when a world-famous plastic surgeon posted this video on the internet.

In it, he explains the rumored “skin-sculpting” secret from beginning to end (complete with instructions), allowing women everywhere to finally try it for themselves.

The verdict? Believe it or not, this skin firming technique is no joke. For one, it’s so easy anyone can do it in a few seconds a day... and it also works on any type of drooping skin (whether it’s your neck, cheeks, under-eyes, or even flabby upper arms).

If you'd like to try this innovative”tighter skin” technique at home, you can view the instructional video in its entirety below. It’s a fascinating presentation (even if you don’t have sagging skin).

Watch his presentation here.

Antioxidants in grapes have been studied extensively, particularly as they relate to cancer prevention. But most of that research has focused on two familiar grape compounds, resveratrol and quercetin. The whole grape, from a phytochemical point of view, consists of a lot of other phytonutrients that include kaempferol, catechin, epicatechin, and anthocyanins (cyanidin and malvidin).2

In fact, it’s the cyanidins, (specifically cyanidin-3-O-β-glucopyranoside, or C3G), that appear to have the most powerful cancer-fighting properties.

Cyanidins fight breast and prostate cancers

When C3G was tested on prostate cancer cell lines, there was a clear increase in DNA fragmentation and tumor suppression – all of which means C3G represents a pretty effective way to reduce carcinogenesis.3

In a separate study, C3G was found to weaken breast cancer-induced angiogenesis (that is, the development of new breast cancer cells). C3G does this by hindering vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a key cytokine for the growth and development of cancer.4

And still another study showed the C3G is helpful against the expression patterns of estrogen receptors that lead to melanoma, making it a potential therapeutic and preventive treatment for keeping this deadly skin cancer at bay.5

Getting more cyanidin

Fortunately, C3G is the most abundant anthocyanin in the edible natural plant world.6 Grapes are arguably the best source for this particular antioxidant, though you’ll find high levels of cyanidins in all darker-skinned fruits and vegetables – the darker, the better.7

One study actually showed grapes have more than 1,600 phytochemicals, the composition of which varies quite a bit among the different types of grapes out there. Beyond that, grapes also boast substantial levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, among other nutrients that can boost your immune system and help your overall health.8

In addition to eating grapes you can also supplement with grape seed extract.

Grape seed extract proven
against cancer in clinical study

Researchers at the University of Colorado put grape seed extract to the test against prostate cancer last summer.

They followed 20 prostate cancer patients who’d completed surgery, radiation treatment or both for their prostate cancer. Each man also had a rising PSA (prostate specific antigen) number—a marker for prostate cancer tumors.

Researchers gave them 150mg of grape seed extract twice daily for a year and found that nearly half (nine patients) saw their disease progression slow, as measured in the amount of time it took for their PSA numbers to double (30 percent longer or more.) Overall, the PSA doubling time rose from 5.4 months to 6.4 months – slightly less than 20 percent — suggesting the grape seed extract helped to slow the production of cancer cells.

In addition, three patients saw their PSA levels decrease.

Researchers believe the reason that grape seed extract is so powerful against prostate cancer is a cyanidin called procyanidin B2 3,3″-di-O-gallate, better known  as B2G2. Numerous laboratory studies, also performed at the University of Colorado, show that grape seed extract not only inhibits the growth of prostate cancer tumors, but causes the cells that drive the growth to die.

What’s more, a 2009 study found that grape seed extract administered to mice was effective in slowing the growth of not only prostate but also skin, colorectal and breast cancers.

My Takeaway

We already know that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can lower your risk of cancer, but even more so than that, eating foods with cyanidins such as grapes, plums and dark berries offers a new and scientifically documented strategy for both the prevention and treatment of multiple cancers.

In fact, C3G is most active in the concentrations you get naturally from food intake, and best of all it doesn’t pose any risk of toxicity to your body.9 So, as warmer weather approaches, the more dark-colored fruit you can load into your picnic basket the better.

A "Paradigm Shift" on Inflammation
Could Lead to a Game-Changing
Cancer Treatment

At first glance, gallstones don't appear to have much in common with asthma. And COVID-19 seems quite different from Alzheimer's. Yet these, and many other common diseases are all driven by a single factor - uncontrolled inflammation.

Inflammation is very much involved in cancer too, but its importance hasn't been given the attention it deserves. Resolving inflammation may be critical in both the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Now researchers point to a new solution that involves factors the body produces naturally called specialized pro-resolving mediators, or SPMs. Here’s the story…

Continued below. . .

The no-exercise secret that lets you
build muscle and look decades younger

Keeping your bones and muscles strong is crucial to staying active and independent as you age.

But once you hit your fifties and beyond, everything starts to slow down.

Your bones weaken. You lose muscle. And your energy levels sink even further.

It’s as if your entire body starts to fall apart. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

The good news is, there’s a new, no-exercise breakthrough that makes it possible to:

  • Pack on pounds of muscle where there was once only limp, lifeless flab…
  • Strengthen your legs and knees so you can walk and move easily and comfortably…
  • Build denser, thicker bones and slash your risk of a debilitating fracture by nearly two-thirds….
  • All while dramatically boosting your energy, brainpower, and heart health!

It all starts with addressing a hidden aging factor that’s making your muscles go limp and your bones get weaker by the minute.

It’s already getting people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s stronger, leaner, and healthier than they’ve been since they were in their 30s or 40s.

Will it work for you, too?

Click here to find out now.

Described as a "hero of medicine," Rudolf Virchow is considered one of the most brilliant physicians and scientists of the nineteenth century. In 1863, Dr. Virchow was the first to suggest chronic inflammation can stimulate the growth of cells that lead to cancer.

Since then, many laboratory studies have shown chronic inflammation is capable of kick-starting the disease process and can promote cancer’s growth and spread. This is also confirmed in real world patients whose tumors have formed at sites of persistent inflammation, infection or injury.

Examples include people who smoke, or have Crohn's disease, pancreatitis or hepatitis. These can lead to cancers of the lung, bowel, pancreas and liver respectively.

Fortunately, by our own actions we can lower the risk of inflammation. Strategies include not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding inflammation-causing foods such as those that are refined, fried, highly processed or contain added sugars.

But with as many as 15 million environmental chemicals worldwide, it's virtually impossible to avoid coming into daily contact with inflammation-causing carcinogens, so finding a safe and effective way to counteract these toxic substances after they enter the body is imperative. Of course, conventional medicine rarely has an answer. In fact, when it comes to healing cancer, the treatments themselves are part of the toxin problem.

Conventional medical treatments inflame tissues

It's not only in the prevention of cancer that inflammation needs to be resolved, it also applies to cancer treatment itself.

Conventional therapies directly promote inflammation with the methods they employ. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are therefore all capable of stimulating tumor growth.

These, as well as the new targeted therapies, are also indirectly harmful because, when they kill the tumor, they leave behind debris which itself causes inflammation and stimulates tumor growth—more on this in a minute.

Currently, the only answer to inflammation caused by cancer treatment is to suppress it with various types of anti-inflammatory drugs that block certain immune functions. However, clinical trials have found such agents only hold back tumors for a short duration, cause multiple toxicities within the body and lead to other tissue damage. What’s more, they actually suppress the immune system, increasing the risk of new cancers.

It's clear that another approach is urgently needed to block inflammation. One scientist believes he may have found the answer in SPMs

A safe way to scale down inflammation

Professor Charles N. Serhan at Harvard Medical School currently leads a multidisciplinary team of experts whose aim is to uncover how acute inflammation and tissue injury is resolved in the body.

His journey began in 1984 when he and his colleagues discovered lipoxins—compounds derived from fatty acids and produced by the body itself that have roles in the regulation of inflammation. They later discovered similar compounds called resolvins, protectins, and maresins, and these in turn contain various subgroups or series.

Together, these make up specialized pro-resolving mediators or SPMs. All of these are derived from the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, and all act as "brake signals" to turn off, or to resolve, inflammation.

Most important, they work safely.

In a new paper, Prof. Serhan and his colleagues write that "in dramatic contrast" to current anti-inflammatory drugs, SPMs don't suppress the immune system or encourage blood clots, scarring or angiogenesis (the creation of new blood vessels which allow tumors to grow and spread).

A toxic mix

SPMs also have another key property that was demonstrated in a 2017 study which focused on resolvins alone.

The Harvard team used animal models to show that tumor cell debris from conventional treatments sets off an inflammatory cascade in the body and also encourages lingering, living cancer cells that aren't killed off to develop into new tumors.

The debris plus the surviving tumor cells creates a toxic mix that accelerates tumor growth a hundredfold. This occurs, they discovered, because a molecule called phosphatidylserine remains exposed on fragments of dead cells. This is detected by the immune system leading to a flood of inflammatory activity which not only drives growth of the surviving cancer cells but causes resistance to further treatment.

The research team also made an even bigger discovery.

Sweeping away cellular debris

They tested the effect of administering resolvins when different conventional treatments are applied.

The resolvins enhanced the clearance of cellular debris in multiple tumor types and countered the signals from debris that induce the immune system to respond to inflammation. This inhibited debris-stimulated tumor growth and also prevented cancer cells from metastasizing.

Prof. Serhan wrote, "Dead and dying tumor cells are an under-appreciated component of the tumor microenvironment that may promote tumor progression.

"While generation of tumor cell debris throughout treatment may explain an inherent therapeutic limit to conventional cancer therapies, stimulating the clearance of such debris via specialized pro-resolving mediators, such as resolvins, represents a novel approach to preventing tumor growth and recurrence."

His colleague, Sui Huang, added, "Targeting the resolvin pathways provides an entirely new, non-toxic, and non-immunosuppressive approach to cancer therapy by increasing the body's natural production of endogenous pro-resolving and anti-inflammatory mediators."

The Harvard team describe the resolution of inflammation as an active biochemical process. In other words, it's not a case of "job done" so immune activity just dissipates. Instead, specific signals have to be generated for resolution to take place.

They call this new understanding a "paradigm shift" which will lead to a greater focus on inflammation resolution as opposed to just the artificial suppression of inflammation, as is currently the case.

How to boost SPMs

The Serhan lab is working on the development of synthetic forms of SPM that can be turned into drugs. These would be expected to have extremely wide application in cancer and many other diseases as well as the control of pain and inflammation after surgery.

That, of course, will take time, but there are some ways we can increase the production of SPMs right now. Even better, we can do it naturally.
The first way is to make sure your diet contains adequate amounts of the omega-3 fatty acid derivatives EPA and DHA. These naturally trigger the production of the body's resolvins and are precursors for many other types of SPMs.

Evidence already exists to suggest a diet enriched with omega-3 can increase SPM availability in various parts of the body. In fact, omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils are well known for their anti-inflammatory activity and are also associated with a lower risk of some cancers. SPMs may be part or even the whole reason for this.

Good sources of omega-3 are walnuts, avocados, sage, flaxseed and oily fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines.

On top of a diet with strong levels of omega-3 fatty acids, studies show that you can further increase SPMs by taking low-dose aspirin. Studies show this effectively increased plasma resolvin levels in human subjects.

Dr. Nicos Petasis from the University of Southern California explains, "Aspirin is able to modify an inflammatory enzyme to stop forming molecules that propagate inflammation and instead produce molecules from omega-3 fatty acids, like resolvin D3, that help inflammation to end."

Low-dose aspirin has shown itself to be very effective at reducing the risk of cancer, but as highlighted earlier, all anti-inflammatory drugs come with risks. I for one don’t think that taking low-dose aspirin over the long-term is the best idea. However, you could try this in the short term and see if you notice any results either physically or on your tests results.

Another safer option is stretching.

This simple exercise has been shown to accelerate blood flow, improve immunity, lower inflammation and even reduce tumor growth in mice. Stretching was also shown to lower inflammation within connective tissue and increase the concentration of resolvin D1. Best of all, stretching is accessible to almost everyone—even those confined to a chair or a bed.


Best regards,

Lee Euler,

References Article #1:
1 https://examine.com/supplements/cyanidin/
2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911802/
3 https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/ijo.2015.3130
4 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30251280/
5 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2019.01110/full
6 https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/ijo.2015.3130
7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911802/
8 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911802/
9 https://www.spandidos-publications.com/10.3892/ijo.2015.3130
References Article #2:

Editor in Chief: Lee Euler and Susan Clark Contributing Editors: Carl Lowe, Mindy Tyson McHorse, Carol Parks and Michael Sellar

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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