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How to Get Stronger and Leaner Fast Without Exercise… While Building “Bones of Steel” at Any Age!

NASA and Harvard both warn this sneaky hidden factor could be making you fatter and weaker. But now a simple, NO-exercise solution lets you build a new body from the inside out…starting in just weeks!

Dear Friend,

Keeping your bones and muscles strong is crucial to staying active and independent as you age.

Peaceful morning

But once you hit your fifties and beyond, everything starts to slow down.

You may spend less time moving and more time in your favorite chair…

Your energy levels may plummet, giving you less “get up and go” …

And your joints may get stiff and achy, making it hard to walk, stand, or bend without pain.

Yet the less active you are, the worse everything gets.

Your bones weaken. You lose muscle. And your energy levels sink even further.

It’s as if your entire body starts to fall apart. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

Introducing the NO-exercise secret that lets you “de-age” your body

The good news is, there’s a new breakthrough that makes it possible to:

It all starts with addressing a hidden factor that’s making you age faster.

NASA, Harvard, and the Mayo Clinic all say fixing this hidden aging factor can quickly turn back the clock. In fact, research shows it can help…

Even frail 100-year-olds get stronger, healthier, and more active!

So what is this hidden factor you need to fix that’s making you age faster?


I know it may sound strange. After all, you’re down here on Earth…not up in space.

But when you spend most of your time sitting or standing—or on bed rest recovering from illness or injury—your body is in a “low-gravity” state.

It’s the same weightless state astronauts spend their time in while in space.

When astronauts are in space, they don’t need to use their muscles as much to move and support their bodies. This causes their muscles to weaken…to the point that they actually shrink.

Chances are the same thing is happening to YOU if your lifestyle is mostly sedentary.

The truth is, most of our modern-day lifestyles are. Studies show the average adult spends between 50 and 70% of their day sitting…with very little time getting up . That means…

You could be spending up to 70% of your day in dangerous low gravity!

When there’s little or no gravity, your muscles don’t have to make any effort. They don’t have to do any work.

And frankly, if your muscles don’t have to work… it can cause all kinds of trouble. They begin to weaken and shrink.

And the muscles that weaken and shrink the most are the ones you need to stay active and independent. Scientists call them the “anti-gravity” muscles.

These “anti-gravity” muscles keep you in an upright position so you can walk or stand.

They include the muscles in your calves, the front of your thighs, in your abs and trunk, and around your spine and neck.

It’s why, as these “anti-gravity” muscles shrink and weaken, they wreak all sorts of havoc on your body. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way for you…

How to defy gravity and resist old age into your 80s, 90s, and beyond

I’m about to share with you a new breakthrough solution that lets you build strong new muscle tissue… without doing a lick of exercise.

Research shows in just weeks it can help you…

What’s more, research shows it lets you enjoy these dramatic, fast-acting results at ANY age…even in your 80s, 90s, or 100s!

I know it may sound too good to be true. But as you’re about to discover, this natural cutting-edge solution is backed by science. And it couldn’t come at a better time.

That’s because “low gravity” is probably taking a toll on your muscles right now. In fact…

NASA reports it’s the #1 health hazard you’re likely facing right now!

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was the first to notice the disastrous effects of low gravity on its astronauts.

NASA’s own studies show it’s the reason why astronauts in space experience as much as a 20 percent loss of muscle mass. And that’s during flights lasting just 5 to 11 days.

It’s shocking to think that astronauts lose one-fifth of their muscle mass, on average, within the span of around a week!

But consider this: if it can happen to super-fit astronauts in the prime of their lives, it can happen to you.

In fact, researchers say the same reason these astronauts’ bodies decline so quickly in space is the same reason why millions of people over age 50 on earth are getting weaker and frailer.

It’s also why so many of us suffer tremendous pain and immobility as our “anti-gravity” muscles shrink and become weaker…

The hidden cause of low back pain, slipped discs, and flabby abs

NASA’s own research shows astronauts are at least two-thirds more likely than the rest of us to suffer from low back pain when they get back to earth.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, once they return from space, they’re 4.3 times more likely to suffer from a herniated or “slipped” disc. A recent study revealed why.

During space missions, the astronauts’ paraspinal muscles shrunk by about one-fifth on average. Paraspinal muscles connect the bones of your spine together and control their movement.

But that’s not all. Researchers also found that the “anti-gravity” muscles in astronauts’ trunks and abs shrunk, too. At the same time, the amount of fatty tissue in their muscles increased.

In fact, the astronauts’ muscles showed a higher fat content as long as 2 to 4 years after they returned from space. So they not only got weaker, they got flabbier …and stayed that way!

When your “anti-gravity” muscles shrink and get flabbier, they start to weaken. And they simply can’t support your back, neck, and other joints as well as they used to.

This can make you ache all over, suffer from back problems, or otherwise find it hard to stay active and pain-free.

As you can see, this hidden factor I warned you about earlier can wreak havoc on your health and mobility.

And the more time your body spends in this “low gravity” state, the faster you age…and the weaker you get.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found something downright shocking…

Just 10 days of bed rest is equivalent to 30 years of aging!

In this study, a group of top rehabilitation and geriatric doctors found that even short periods of inactivity can trigger rapid muscle loss.

Their research showed that just 10 days of bed rest can cause you to lose 10% of the muscle in your legs alone. That’s the equivalent of 4 pounds of muscle loss, on average!

NASA scientist Dr. Douglas Paddon-Jones describes this amount of rapid muscle loss as “horrifying”. It can turn a healthy 40-year-old into a frail 70-year-old in as little as 10 days!

According to Dr. Paddon-Jones, “Within the first 72 hours of immobility, muscle fibers decline from 14 to 17%. The first muscles to go are those in the lower limbs used to resist gravity.”

You can see how this kind of muscle loss can take such a vicious toll on your body.

Regardless of whether you lose rapidly due to bed rest—or more gradually with age—it can have the same disastrous effects on your mobility and independence:

It’s no wonder our bodies may feel like they’re
falling apart more with each passing birthday!

Take a look at what happens to the typical American man or woman starting at age 30…

These changes in your body can make you feel “old before your time”. But the good news is, there’s a new, breakthrough solution that helps you RESIST these signs of aging. Not only that, it can give you a stronger, leaner physique and bones of steel.

And it can do all of this while helping you preserve your height and steer clear of back and joint problems that keep you from living the active, independent life you love.

I want to live my best life as I age…and I want to help YOU do the same!

The Author - Lee Euler

My name is Lee Euler. I’ve been researching cutting-edge health solutions for the past few decades, ever since I first started my health publishing company and began working with some of the smartest natural physicians in the world.

I’m always on the lookout for little-known discoveries backed by science…the ones you rarely hear about from your doctor or in mainstream health publications.

So when I came across this latest breakthrough, I was particularly interested. That’s because once I hit my 60s, I found my arms and legs were getting thin and weak.

Like you, I want to stay healthy and active for as long as possible. I enjoy traveling and hiking. I also want to be able to climb steps or walk long distances without worry.

At my age, my mother had had a hip replacement. By his early sixties, my brother had his first one…and now both his hips have been replaced.

I’ve seen both my mother and my brother struggle to stay mobile and independent. And I don’t want to suffer the same fate as I age.

That’s why I’m so excited about this remarkable new discovery…and how it can help all of us RESIST old age into our 70s, 80s, and beyond.

It all starts with building and preserving muscle. Until now, the only way to do so was to lift weights or do other strenuous weight-bearing exercise for at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. (I don’t know too many folks, even younger ones, who maintain that kind of regimen.)

What’s more, you’d have to make sure to eat plenty of protein…as much as 66 to 77 grams a day. Keep in mind an egg only has six grams and a slice of cheddar cheese seven (along with plenty of fat!)

But now you don’t have to worry about doing ANY of these things…

How to sit back, relax, and DEFY the effects of gravity on your muscles

Thanks to a remarkable new discovery, you can sit back, relax, and defy the effects of low gravity. And you can do so while building greater muscle mass and strength—especially in your legs, spine, abs, and trunk.

It all starts with an ingredient that’s completely natural. It’s a compound derived from the amino acid leucine. Leucine is considered one of the most important proteins for building muscle.

Athletes, body builders, and weight lifters were the first to use leucine as a sports supplement. And several studies show it can increase muscle mass and strength.

The problem is, most studies on leucine don’t show the same benefits in older, more sedentary adults. Leucine typically only shows results in younger people who lift weights or hit the gym regularly—a habit that already helps to build muscle and increase strength.

However, scientists didn’t give up on the idea that leucine could lead them to a way to help older adults reverse muscle loss. Eventually, they were able to isolate the active ingredient found in leucine and link it to the muscle-building benefits seen in athletes.

But the scientists didn’t stop there. They went on to make a breakthrough discovery…

New breakthrough lets you get stronger and leaner… without exercise

This innovative team of researchers figured out how to ensure this active ingredient in leucine has the same muscle-building and strengthening effect in older adults…even if they DON’T hit the gym or lift weights!

They took this active ingredient and made it more concentrated. They did this so that older people could better absorb and use it…and see the same muscle-building benefits seen in weightlifters.

The researchers called this new purified, concentrated ingredient HMB for short (its full name is long and scientific). They then put it through multiple human clinical studies.

The result? The researchers found this newly-discovered HMB was able to dramatically increase muscle mass and strength in older people….

What’s more, they saw the same muscle-building and strengthening results even in people who didn’t do ANY exercise—or who were even on bed rest!

That’s because HMB does two things that ordinary leucine can’t. In fact, NO other natural substance—including the protein you get in steak, chicken, cheese, or those yucky-tasting shakes—has ever been able to do these two muscle-building actions before…

As you can see, these dual actions are a powerful combo. It’s no wonder studies on HMB show remarkable results like these…

And here’s yet another study that shows HMB delivers big benefits without strenuous exercise…

But what if you’re recovering from a serious injury like a hip fracture and want to maintain your strength? Well, another study shows HMB can help there, too!

You can see how HMB can work wonders for restoring lost muscle mass and strength as you age. It can turn back the hands of time and give you a stronger, leaner physique at any age.

It’s no wonder people who take HMB just on its own have this to say about its dramatic, fast-acting results…

Eric H. says, “Gaining muscles and much, much more energetic… My friends said I look amazing and actually I just took HMB for 4 weeks!”

Steve S. says, “I've jumped from about 45 to 60 good push-ups at a non-stop pace these past two weeks since I started using the product. Not bad for a person almost 55 years old!”

Cathy C. says, “I've noticed the change in my body and have experienced so many positive effects among the 3 weeks with HMB.”

And Zoe N. says, “I have never seen a product that has so much potential in repairing muscle tissues!”

In fact, HMB is so powerful for helping rebuild and repair muscle tissue, research shows it…

Gives you the same amount of muscle-building support as 6 steaks, 4 chicken sandwiches, 10 containers of yogurt, and 13 eggs each day!

Woman flexing muscles

If you’re concerned about muscle loss or weakness, simply taking HMB can keep your muscles from shrinking…or worse, turning into flab.

It can also strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees, hips, and other joints, giving them greater support so you walk, bend, and move more easily.

What’s more, taking HMB can strengthen those crucial “anti-gravity” muscles in your spine, abs, and trunk.

These muscles are crucial for letting you get up out of a chair with ease, maintain a steady balance and gait when you walk, and keep your back from acting up and wreaking misery.

Best of all, HMB can do ALL of these wonderful things without making you do weight-lifting or other strenuous exercise. It doesn’t require you to eat more protein, either.

In fact, if you were to try to get the same amount of muscle-building support you get with HMB with diet alone, you’d have to eat 600 grams of protein daily. That’s like wolfing down 6 steaks, 4 chicken sandwiches, 10 containers of yogurt, and 13 eggs every day!

Naturally, none of us would ever eat that much, and it wouldn’t be healthy. But HMB is completely safe and healthy when taken as directed.

I’m going to tell you how you can get the ideal daily amount of HMB simply by swallowing a few capsules. But first, let me tell you about another nutrient that research shows can have a stunning effect on helping you build increased muscle mass and strength…

What your body is starving for to get you stronger, leaner, and more energized

There’s a crucial amino acid your body requires in order to produce energy in your cells. By producing energy in your cells, it helps build muscle.

In fact, this amino acid is found in highly-concentrated amounts in every muscle in your body—especially your heart. It’s also needed to transport fat so your body can burn it for energy.

What is this amino acid that’s responsible for helping you stay strong, lean, and energized?

It’s l-carnitine. Chances are you’ve heard it’s good for keeping your heart beating strong.

But l-carnitine can also keep your entire body strong—including those “anti-gravity” muscles that shrink and weaken with age.

In fact, your body relies on having plenty of this crucial amino acid on hand to build muscle, burn fat, and produce energy…ALL of which we need more help with as we get older!

But this is where we run into a BIG problem…

At the same time you need more l-carnitine, you’re getting LESS of it!

L-carnitine isn’t found in many foods. You can get fairly high amounts of l-carnitine from meats like ground beef and steak. And you can find it in tiny amounts in milk, chicken, and fish.


But unless you’re devouring a big, juicy burger or feasting on a giant steak every day, you’re not getting nearly enough l-carnitine from your diet.

At the same time, research shows there’s less l-carnitine in your muscles and other tissues as you hit your 60s, 70s, and beyond.

This diminished amount limits your body’s ability to produce energy in your cells, transport fat to be burned for energy, and build muscle.

So what happens if you start taking it as a supplement to make up for this diet and aging-related shortfall?

That’s exactly what a group of Italian researchers decided to find out…

How even 100-year-olds can gain 8 pounds of muscle—all while getting sharper, leaner, healthier, and more energized

The researchers wanted to find out if taking l-carnitine could help banish the physical and mental fatigue that often comes with old age, while studying its impact on muscle mass and health.

So they decided to really test this nutrient’s abilities at the more extreme end of the spectrum…by studying a group of 70 centenarians. And where could they find such a high number of them?

In Sicily, where you can find 4 times as many people over the age of 100 compared to the rest of Italy.

The researchers recruited a group of Sicilians whose ages ranged between 100 and 106. They then conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study after splitting them up into two groups.

The first group received a daily dose of 2 grams of l-carnitine. The second group was given a placebo pill that looked identical to the l-carnitine capsules. None of the participants were told which type of pill they were taking.

Since all of the centenarians were already in good health for their age, the results six months later were truly astonishing…

It’s an INCREDIBLE list of benefits. And not surprisingly, NONE of the people taking the placebo saw any significant changes.

You can see how taking l-carnitine along with HMB can not only help you rebuild muscle and strength, shed excess fat, and supercharge your energy…but also boost your memory and help bring your cholesterol numbers into the healthy zone.

Bone and Muscle Defense Bottle But it can be hard to find l-carnitine in the amount used in this study. Most supplements you’ll find include just 500 milligrams…so you’d have to choke down 4 capsules right there alone.

And finding the right, high-quality HMB to take each day in the ideal amount used in studies can be challenging, too.

That’s why I worked with Green Valley Natural Solutions to come up with a brand-new solution that gives you the ideal forms of these nutrients in the right amounts.

It’s called Bone and Muscle Defense™ and it’s available to you now to put to the test for a full 30 days without risking a penny. I’ll tell you how you can get your no-risk supply in just a moment.

But first, you may have noticed the first part of this product’s name is “bone”. That’s because there’s a “double-whammy” effect on how your body ages when you also factor in your bones.

Click here to try button

The hidden culprit that speeds up bone loss and makes you frailer and weaker (it’s putting MEN at risk, too!)

You probably already know your bones get thinner and weaker with age. And they’re part of the reason why you may be shrinking in height.

Now research shows older adults losing both muscle AND bone are at the greatest risk of all. In one study by German researchers, people aged 65 to 94 with both bone and muscle loss were compared with people who had only bone loss or only muscle loss.

The older adults with both bone and muscle loss performed much worse in a “sit-to-stand” muscle power test. They needed more time to rise from a chair. And they showed significantly reduced hand grip strength.

Even worse, they showed signs they were losing bone FASTER than the other two groups. “Double whammy”, indeed.

Women are particularly at risk. They lose 30 to 50% of their bone mass during their lifetimes—with HALF of that bone loss occurring within 10 years after menopause.

But men aren’t out of the woods. While men don’t suffer the rapid loss of bone mass that women typically do during their fifties, by age 65 or 70 men lose bone mass at the same rate women do.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the biggest culprits behind bone loss in both women and men is that they have more difficulty absorbing calcium as they age.

This is why you can choke down handfuls of calcium pills or stuff yourself with milk, yogurt, and other calcium-rich foods and still suffer from bone loss.

It’s crucial you take other steps now to keep your bones dense and strong as you age, whether you’re a man or a woman. According to a leading bone health foundation, 1-in-2 women and up to 1-in-4 men over age 65 will fracture a bone in their lifetimes.

Meanwhile, this combination of bone loss and decreased muscle can do more than raise your risk of suffering a debilitating fracture. It can worsen your balance and set you up for a dangerous fall. Research shows 1-in-3 adults over age 65 fall each year!

As a result, these age-related changes can land you in a nursing home or force you to use a walker or wheelchair. And they can make it almost impossible to stay independent.

That’s why Bone and Muscle Defense™ is here to help. I want to tell you about the bone-building nutrient superstars it gives you. Some of them you’d be hard-pressed to find in your daily multivitamin, or any bone supplements you might be taking now. Let’s start with…

The ancient herbal formula that makes weak, hollowed-out bones like new

Scientists have been searching for better natural alternatives for strengthening thinning bones for years. And while they’ve found ways to stimulate your body to build new bone—something many conventional therapies do—they miss an important step.

They don’t fix the “hollowed-out” structure of your inner bones that happens naturally over time. This weakened structure can make you more prone to a hip fracture or other serious bone break.

Now there’s a new herbal formula that uses time-honored Chinese herbs and botanicals to address this age-old problem. It’s actually able to build stronger bones from the inside out!

This breakthrough solution is called OsteoSine. It’s the first natural solution I’ve seen that actually increases the surface area of your trabeculae. The trabeculae are the partition-like bands that form the structure inside your bones.

The more surface area your trabeculae have, the stronger and thicker your bones. And the less surface area your trabeculae have, the weaker and more hollowed-out they are.

Animal research on OsteoSine using actual bone scans shows its unique herbal combination increases the surface area of your trabeculae…making weak, hollowed-out bones like new again!

This increased structural strength inside your bones is critical for helping them withstand fracture if you were to suddenly fall. It’s something calcium and other “bone-building” supplements don’t do. But that’s not all…

A 26% increase in bone density…in just 10 months? Yes, it’s possible!

OsteoSine also boosts the production of bone-building cells called osteoblasts. At the same time, it slows down bone-removing cells called osteoclasts. So it helps your body slow down the relentless march of bone loss—working against Mother Nature and Father Time!

As I mentioned earlier, pre-clinical studies done on OsteoSine showed dramatic effects when patients’ bone density was measured before and after use using DEXA scans. Researchers were astounded by remarkable results like these…

These results are dramatic considering they were all within 10 to 13 months. But you may see results even faster.

Older couple on bikes

One retired nurse had this to say: “I started on OsteoSine and in 3 months, my DEXA scan showed a tremendous improvement. My bones have never been stronger!”

You get a similar amount of OsteoSine as was used in these human studies in Bone and Muscle Defense™. Once you start taking it, in no time you’ll be enjoying greater peace of mind as your bones get stronger, thicker, and less prone to breakage.

Plus Bone and Muscle Defense™ gives you 3 other crucial nutrients to help strengthen your bones and keep your muscles strong, too…

You get ALL of these crucial bone and muscle-building nutrients in Bone and Muscle Defense™. It does the work of at least 4 or 5 different supplements in one!

It replaces one you take for your joints. It replaces one you take for your bones. It replaces your vitamin D3 or magnesium supplements, if you take them. It even replaces those nasty-tasting protein powders you may take to build muscle…and any others you may take to feel sharper and more energized.

Get started today! Your healthy, active, independent future awaits you…

I think you can see by now what a game-changer Bone and Muscle Defense™ can be for you or someone you love. If you’re concerned about…

…Then I’m confident Bone and Muscle Defense™ is the natural breakthrough solution you’ve been waiting for!

Enjoy the life-changing benefits keeping your bones, mind, and body strong as you age

If you’re ready to start getting stronger, leaner, and more energized…start feeling sharper and more “on the ball”…all while building “bones of steel” that protect you should you ever fall and keep you out of a nursing home…then you won’t want to wait another minute to put Bone and Muscle Defense™ to work for you.

Imagine how much better your life will be when you’re able to…

Older couple stretching

…WALK further and more confidently, whether it’s through the grocery store aisles, on a sandy beach, or while hiking with your grandkids in the park…

…CLIMB stairs without worry or getting worn-out, and being able travel to places like Venice where you take countless steps over bridges, or simply “age in place” in your home…

…EASE excruciating back pain, slipped discs, or stiff joints due to weak muscles that keep you on the sidelines of life or living on anti-inflammatories just to get by…

…BUILD stronger, denser, less breakable bones that help you bounce if you take a fall, keep you standing tall, and support your precious independence as you age, and…

…DEFY the aging effects of gravity by staying fit and healthy well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond!

I know taking Bone and Muscle Defense™ each day can do all of these wonderful things and many more. This remarkable formula gives you each of the nutrients in research-supported dosages, in their highest-quality forms.

That means you can take this breakthrough solution with confidence knowing you can enjoy the same dramatic results people got in the studies I shared with you earlier…

Results that show amazing improvements like being able to halt muscle loss and improve muscle strength without exercise…build new muscle while shedding excess fat…

…boost your mental and physical energy by one-third or more…increase your bone density by as much as 26%...slash your risk of fracture by up to 62%...

…and much more, all in just months or even weeks!

Put this breakthrough “youthing” solution to the test for 30 days—on me!

Click here to try button

Two bottles of bone and muscle defense

I’m so confident Bone and Muscle Defense™ can be the life-changing breakthrough you’ve been waiting for to keep you strong, lean, and energized, I invite you to put it to the test for the next 30 days…at my risk, not yours!

Simply say the word and I’ll rush you two bottles of Bone and Muscle Defense™. That’s a full 60-day supply! You pay nothing today except $9.95 shipping & handling. (I make no money on these costs—they barely cover what it costs me.)

And you’ll pay nothing else until later…AFTER you’ve tried this breakthrough solution and seen that it works for you.

Why am I making such a ridiculously generous offer? Because I feel so strongly Bone and Muscle Defense™ can address the true underlying causes of muscle and bone loss as you age…and all the miserable aches, pains, and low energy that comes with it.

Put short, I think this breakthrough formula can make you feel like you’ve got a youthful body again…whether you’re 60, 70, or older!

Quite frankly, I’m a huge fan of this supplement. I couldn’t believe how quickly and effectively this breakthrough formula worked until I saw the results for myself

I know Bone and Muscle Defense™ can help YOU feel younger, stronger, fitter, sharper, and more energized no matter how weak, tired, spacey, frail, or downright “old” you feel now.

From this day forward, you can start getting stronger, leaner, more pain-free, sturdier, and thriving more than ever…and maintain your precious independence and joy of living as you age.

So please, don’t wait another moment. Not only am I willing to send you TWO bottles of Bone and Muscle Defense™ for just a nominal shipping and handling charge of $9.95, I want you to put this formula to the test for a full 30 days at NO risk!

Click here to try button

You MUST be absolutely thrilled with your results—or you never fork over another penny! I don’t think it gets any fairer than that.

Once you start seeing how good you feel again—how you’re able to tackle steps or hills without worry…get up out of your “easy” chair and enjoy your favorite hobbies…or get down on the floor and give “giddy up” rides to your grandchildren…or start planning that dream vacation you’ve been putting off for years…I know you’ll want to keep taking Bone and Muscle Defense™.

So please take a moment to order your trial supply with this 100% risk-free offer today. You’ll be glad you did! Your healthy, active, independent future awaits you…

Yours truly,

Lee signature

Lee Euler
President, Green Valley Natural Solutions


P.S. Remember, you’ll get two bottles—a full 60-day supply—of Bone and Muscle Defense™ for just $9.95 to cover shipping & handling. I want to make sure you have plenty of time to put this new age-reversing breakthrough to work for you and start feeling like you’ve regained a strong and youthful body. Chances are you’ll see dramatic improvements like increased muscle strength…less back and joint pain…skyrocketing energy…sharper, clearer thinking…and much more, in just a few weeks or even days! So what are you waiting for?

Click here to try button


1 https://www.nasa.gov › pdf › 64249main_ffs_factsheets_hbp_atrophy

2 https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=169

3 https://insights.ovid.com/crossref?an=00007632-201612150-00016

4 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190109170647.htm

5 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22890825

6 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/206740

7 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236066731_Effect_of_b-hydroxy-b-methylbutyrate_HMB_on_lean_body_mass_during_10_days_of_bed_rest_in_older_adults

8 https://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Article/2011/06/28/Horrifying-loss-of-muscle-mass-should-serve-as-wake-up-call-academic

9 https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/preserve-your-muscle-mass

10 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4179539/

11 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003998.htm

12 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1258185/The-toxic-fat-strangle-organs-shed-it.html

13 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003998.htm

14 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3111766/

15 https://ufhealth.org/aging-changes-bones-muscles-joints

16 https://ufhealth.org/aging-changes-bones-muscles-joints

17 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312629/

18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4799859/pdf/JCSM-7-068.pdf

19 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23514626 [Deutz, 2013]

20 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531556513002702

21 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26529601

22 https://www.maturitas.org/article/S0378-5122(16)30343-7/addons

23 42 grams per 6-ounce steak, 24 grams per chicken sandwich, 17 grams per 6 ounces yogurt, and 6 grams per egg

24 https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Carnitine-HealthProfessional/

25 https://immunityageing.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1742-4933-9-10

26 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18065594

27 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26563287

28 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2266953/ 

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